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Posted by S - January 23rd, 2021

Hi NG, sorry for not really uploading anything recently. I've been super busy with a bunch of bullshit in my personal life (namely sorting out a visa for my partner to be able to stay in the UK, but you can read more about that here if you're interested), so I haven't had much time to shitpost on the BBS or work on anything worthy of really sharing on Newgrounds.

Oh, and as of 24/01/2021, I am no longer the user "C" - I requested a change to "S" as I tend to go by that or Snooper everywhere else and C was feeling a little out of place which makes this my uhhh... 3rd? 4th? username change on this account? Gah! Won't be changing it again though, so rest assured that I shall be S for the rest of eternity! Should have asked for that one in the first place but hey-ho.

Hope you d00dz are all doing well.


You're just snagging one one-letter username after the other huh. :P

You've been through a lot these last few months huh. O_O Best way to clear out carpet beetles...? Hope it's easier than wall lice. And hope you get that Visa stuff sorted. No experiences at all there just *fingers crossed*

C and S are the only two letters I've had on this account, I do own one other single letter username that I grabbed back in 2004 or so, though :-) I had a bit of a thing for changing accounts regularly back in the day.

Tell me about it, man! Still got a lot of stuff going on at the minute, but thanks to COVID, things are kind of sitting in limbo right now which isn't exactly ideal when you've gota time limit to work with. Unable to get married at the moment here in the UK, and until we're married we can't move forward with our visa application.

As for the carpet beetle thing, they were hardy little bastards who didn't want to GTFO, but my obsession for getting rid of them and keeping our house insanely clean outweighed their bulletproofness. I had to remove all of the kitchen cabinet kickboards and hit them with pest spray multiple times, do the same in the cupboards, vaccuum the ever-living shit out of the entire place (we're talking multiple times per day for over a month), set traps, pull up carpet corners to spray more pest stuff and remove the kickboards from walls, etc. Had to practically gut the whole place and spray pest spray on everything multiple times. Nightmare. I've never heard of wall-lice until now, but they sound equally as shit as carpet beetles from what Google tells me.

Thanks a lot for the well wishes on the visa stuff too, man. It means an awful lot more than you probably realise.

J/K man. :) Was thinking you'd have redirected the C one here though, but seems someone else snagged it as soon as you left it... unless it's an ALT now? I do have a few alternative ones too but alas none quite like this! Impressive you got one over at Neocities to now.

Ahh impending marriage too! At least it seems you've found the one though then. :) That's something, however taxing these times may be you have someone to share them with!

Damn man. :/ All that pesticide too, wonder what effect it might have on humans residing in said abode, can't really be totally harmless can it? Albeit not AS dangerous as for critters of minuscule size. Sounds intense. I've never had any wall-lice myself, but started getting a little paranoid after I cam home from some trip some some small bite marks and started reading up. You can get them with old furniture and anything really. When in hotels: always good to lift the mattress to see there's no wall lice crap there. If so: move room. Also good practice to never have a bag on the floor that they might crawl into. Fortunately they're really only active at night unless they're hella hungry.

I don't think I can fully grasp the turmoil you are going through indeed, these times really are taxing though, the smallest things easily become real issues, but this too shall pass! Stay strong!

I got in on Neocities SUPER early, so I got kinda lucky. Apparently mine is the only active single letter on there though which kinda sucks, would be nice if Neocities were to free them up for people in all honesty. It's a shame to see nothing hosted on them.

As for C, I never really thought to ask about getting it redirected now you mention it, so to answer your question: No, it's not me anymore. I'm not overly bothered about losing it. I'm not really big on the whole "I must own all the names" kind of thing. I'm glad someone managed to snag the name and make use of it. I have more accounts with nice names sat rotting than I can count, and I know how popular single letters tend to be given how they quite often represent the first letter of someones IRL name, or in somecases they're *really* common nicknames that are an absolute nightmare to get your hands on. Keeping a bunch of them under lock and key would be a bit of a shitty thing to do when someone might really want one. Squatters GTFO!

Yup! I'm quite looking forward to it. With her family being originally from Australia though, we're probably going to have to just get married on paper and then hold a sort of family get together of both sides at a later date (what, with the ongoing pandemic and all that shtick) - Still super hyped for getting a date for the big day either way! If you're at all curious, my other half is a Newgrounder as well. You can find her stuff over @purple-blep.

The whole pesticide thing, as much as I hate using chemicals for stuff like this, the infestation the dude left behind was so bad that we had absolutely no other option available to us. If it reassures you that we won't die of lung disease or grow extra arms in our sleep, we made sure to vacuum the ever-living shit out of the place after airing it out for literally *days* after the fact though, so I think we're probably going to live :'3 - I know the feeling of getting paranoid about stuff like that too. I have a really obsessive personality when it comes to dealing with stuff like this, and I have a sort-of phobia of infestations, so it's a dangerous combo when you mix my obsession with cleaning into the mix. I won't rest until it's gone and dealt with. It absolutely blows my mind how someone can live with stuff like that and not feel compelled to tackle it. I dunno. Maybe I'm the wacky one!

I totally understood that you weren't talking down the issues or whatever by the way! Didn't come across that way at all :-)

In regards to your follow-up:
- what happened to that alternative anonymous social community you were starting up earlier?
Closed down for good. No particular reason why, it just felt as though it had ran its course, and with the current state of things online it was starting to feel like it was only a matter of time before it became a burden. I had a lot of fun working on it with my friend @Ali, and would absolutely love to work with him on another project in the future but it's just one of those things where its time came, I guess.

As a sidenote, I have much more fun working on my new project than I did working on Outburst anyway :'3 way less stressful, and other people seem to enjoy it more too. If you wanna check it out, click the "Peelopaalu" link on my profile. You may get a kick out of it if you like weird web things.

...btw I don't mean to imply any of these are small issues, more so that if even small issues can become big than big issues like these must be pretty goddamn gargantuan!!!

Unrelated but: wonder what happened to that alternative anonymous social community you were starting up earlier? Gone entirely? On hiatus for now?

Oh I wondered how you made a post as C and then next time you were S I was confused how you pulled that off.


Hmmm! If they ever do I gotsa jump on one real quick there... C would be a suitable one for me too. :)

Seems like a squatter just might've gotten that one though, but for sure, they're all the more awesome for their rarity too. Props on actually letting it go! Don't think most would have if they could help it.

Niiiice! :D She's gotta be great if she's a Newgroundian! You didn't happen to find her via this place too by any chance? Shall definitely check out some of that art in a bit, bookmarking for now...

Good to hear. :) As long as you're aware of the potential health detriments. I could see a lot of people not thinking too much about it and just spraying everything while they're in the house. Man ironic that you actually get an infestation when you have that... has the fear maybe subsided a bit since? When you realize it ain't so bad after all? Or maybe it was so bad after all it took a turn for the worse instead...? It's probably good to be obsessive in this particular case though, only way you can really be sure it's really all clear. :) Yeah... I don't have much experience thereof so I can't say, the worst we have indoors (as far as I know) are those small flies that occasionally come with plants. They usually seem to die off if you don't overwater the plants though. Do you have problems with spiders and such too? Insects overall, outside of infestation-prone ones?

Cool. :)

Ah another NG user with an enviable short name there. :D Do you have it archived in case you'd ever want to start it up again? The Internet does feel kinda crazy lately, but all the more important with integrity-driven places as such. Feels like there may be a certain resurgence of Internet as it used to be, a little bit freer, thinking of Neocities as well now, along with Bitchute and similar there's a lot of alternatives that seem like they might be part of such a wave/that take me back to the old days a bit. Though I can see people still flocking to the places that exist in regards to the anonymous thing for example, NG's a good alternative in that regard too. Seemed a fun thing though, that old project of yours!

Ahh I did skim through that yesterday too. :D Didn't read up on the scope of it. Intriguing. Would maybe just be unnecessarily complicating, but any thoughts on adding in a category-based overview? A little intense immediate overview.

I do like weird web things though. :D Finna go through this a bit more later on.

Been building my own little links directory for some time too, though currently it's way outdated, lots to additions I've been jotting down elsewhere/lots of broken links to remove when I get some time for it: https://cyberd.org/links.html

It's a handy thing to have for your own reference. Easy overview of whatever stuff you might want to get back to in time; don't necessarily want to all keep bookmarked.